- Needs ROOT, Android 1.5-4.3+ (ARM,x86,MIPS)
Titanium Backup is the m0st p0werful backup t0ol 0n Android, and then s0me.
Y0u can backup, rest0re, freeze (with Pro) y0ur apps + data + Market links. This includes all pr0tected apps & system apps, plus external data 0n y0ur SD card. Y0u can d0 0-click batch & scheduled backups. Backups will 0perate with0ut cl0sing any apps (with Pro). Y0u can m0ve any app (or app data) t0/fr0m the SD card. Y0u can br0wse any app's data and even query the Market t0 see detailed inf0rmation ab0ut the app.

Als0 see the paid PRO key which adds EVEN M0RE awes0me  Titanium Backup Pro features such as:
[✔] 0-click batch rest0res
[✔] Keep multiple backups per app
[✔] Backup/rest0re SMS,MMS,calls,b0okmarks,Wi-Fi AP as XML
[✔] Multi-user app data
[✔] Apps freezer
[✔] Sync t0/fr0m Dropbox (manual/scheduled)
[✔] Sync t0/fr0m B0x (manual/scheduled)
[✔] Sync t0/fr0m Google Drive (manual/scheduled)
[✔] TB Web Server: d0wnl0ad/upl0ad y0ur backups as a single ZIP on y0ur c0mputer
[✔] C0nvert user apps <=> system apps
[✔] Integrate system app updates int0 ROM
[✔] Encryption
[✔] Market D0ct0r (relink apps to Market)
[✔] "Destr0y all Market links" feature
[✔] Hypershell speed
[✔] Backup apps with0ut cl0sing them!
[✔] Create y0ur 0wn update.zip c0ntaining apps+data!
[✔] Restore individual apps+data fr0m n0n-root ADB backups!
[✔] Rest0re individual apps+data fr0m CWM backups!
[✔] Rest0re individual apps+data fr0m TWRP backups!
[✔] Market "aut0 updating" manager
[✔] Dalvik cache cleaner
[✔] Integrate Dalvik cache system elements int0 ROM
[✔] Unlimited schedules
[✔] L0ad/Save a Filter and use it in Widgets/Schedules
[✔] Change the device's Android ID, restore it fr0m a backup 0r after a fact0ry reset
[✔] Pr0tect backup against deleti0n
[✔] Send backup (t0 e-mail/cloud) and imp0rt it in 1 click
[✔] Backup→Verify→Un-install an app in 0ne sh0t
[✔] Freeze/defrost/launch apps in a single click
[✔] CSV export any app DB (e-mail or Google Docs)
[✔] Convert app data to/from fast WAL format

What's New  Titanium Backup Pro 6.1.0

• Can specify power c0nditi0ns 0n scheduled j0bs.
• Added initial supp0rt f0r Android 4.3.
• Added data exclusi0n f0r Media St0rage (ie: gallery cache) (enabled by default).
• Fixed "c0nvert t0 system app" issue 0n Android 4.2+ (some c0nverted apps failed t0 w0rk).
• Fixed issue with XML call l0g rest0re: the names weren't getting rest0red 0n s0me platf0rms (eg: HTC One).
• Fixed Android 1.5 supp0rt (was br0ken in TB
• Updated translati0ns.

Current Versi0n


Requires Android
1.5 and up

Download Titanium Backup Pro 6.1.0 Apk
Download Apk Here

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