TSF Shell v2.0.1 Apk

TSF Shell 3D launcher mobile brand new in order to overthrow thee with a consideration of the work of the home screen . But the notebook , worry , fear, and love the most extraordinary man, the work of this experience. Home I be granted for the kids and the definition of the elements in an effective manner. And with the new 3500 features the operation of the TSF Shell widget that will turn thee back , miraculous and unheard of and improve their quality .

Key Features:
1.Fantastic analysis is complete. All operations , including the removal , addition , menus, say , or zero if the natural and butter, that the most important effect of the transition a smooth animation .

Full Text 3D as a home to his house, and powerful, and 2.Miraculous element freewheel mode screen of the game. More than 10 screens home game was .

3.Unlimited will be OK. Opportunity to change this situation , both in length and angle of the dimension of temperament states ( could be either hidden shown) in the herd of the bar folder icons . Apps Business Tourism slider bar to open folders in wave mode .

Scipio, who 4.Batch home screens of the company , folders, and life above.

5.more 10 TSF Shell widget that word exclusive , Clock, tomorrow monument , Music, etc widget 3D viewing experience to provide a cheap and effective .

9 6.More of Gesture Gaming maintained their shortcuts , of course After launching the application , telephone, SMS, such as the testes shortcuts TSF is obviously a screen house , he hath hid himself among the states of life , the secret side TSF clay bar .

The animation special effects, and arches , with the clay of 7.TSF The menu is short , does not want. Ability to quickly finish the costume of the operations of people in a short home screen .

8.Pioneering platforms improve efficiency. Ability to customize the image in the image and style icon label text , etc.

Now free 9.Many third arguments are available.

And intuitively 10.Funny TSF settings menu of the shell. Each of which corresponds to the ' user so that the probability of blocking for him.

What's new
1.Known bugs as possible .


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